Switch Ellipse shaped caps 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS caps
2016-09-04 19:39:09
型号 : 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS caps
品牌 : GeRmany Ruifeng SwitchSmT

Distinctive features

1WAS/1WDS/1WPS caps are in a shape of an ellipse. 1WAS and 1WDS have arounded top, 1WPS cap has a convex top.



1WAS/1WPS: d1- 6.5 mm x d2-12.5 mm

1WDS: d1- 8 mm x d2- 15.2 mm 


Standard colours: 

1WAS/1WDS/1WPS solid colours: blue, grey, red, black, ultra blue, pigeon blue, aqua blue, metal light grey and metal dark grey

1WAS/1WDS/1WPS transparent colours: frosted white


Temperature range:

Solid cap: -40/+65oC

Transparent: -40/+85o


1WAS/1WDS/1WPS cap series is mounted on Multimec 5G series switches.

See more information in the brochure. 


